How Do You Make A Website in 2021
Building a website requires strategic planning, preparation, and organization. Your ability to plan your website’s layout will allow you to prepare for the necessary tasks that are yet to come. Organizing your ideas will enable you to create an outline that controls the narrative of your website. A website becomes your digital footprint on the world wide web. Any information that involves you should link back to your website, including social media, blog posts, videos, pictures, and even audio recordings. All these things need a home, and a website can house all of them.
Creating a website is one of many steps in building an online presence, allowing you to showcase what you do while driving your website traffic. An effective online presence focuses on bringing high volume traffic consistently to your website by applying SEO measures and techniques. Still, that conversation is further down the rabbit hole. Our main objective is to answer the question set before us; how do you make a website?
To make a compelling strategic website, I recommend creating an outline that embodies the essential standards. This includes knowing what pages are required versus what pages you desire. You should follow Google’s guidelines to make the process of building an online presence much more effortless. Once you understand how the structure of your website appears in an outline, you can start planning for website content, professional photos, professional videos, audio recordings, and hiring the right developer.
- Creating an Outline
- Standard Requirements
- Customer Requirements
- Search Engine Requirements
- Legal Requirements
- Website Content
- Professional Photos
- Professional Videos
- Audio Recordings
- Hiring the Right Developer
Creating an Outline
How do you make a website? First, begin by creating an outline. I know it might not be something you do not want to do, but if you jump right into the process without a plan, you risk accepting someone else’s vision. Plus, creating an outline will prevent your website from appearing cookie cutter. The website outline requires a specific technique that fulfills all necessities. For example, a business website should meet the standard requirements, customer requirements, search engine requirements, and legal requirements. Adding these requirements to your website outline will attract enough attention to building an online presence. Once you have decided how to include the essentials into your outline, it is a good idea to incorporate your specific needs and wants for your website.
Standard Requirements | Included this in your Outline
The standard requirements are a great place to start. These requirements are the Homepage, Service page, About Us page, and the Contact Us page. Search engine algorithms crawl websites looking for these specific areas. They are expecting to find these pages quickly; this is why your website’s design is fundamental. Therefore, what to include in these pages is an essential factor. The About Us page explains your business vision and mission statements. It also lists the business employees and presents the back story of the company. The Homepage is the grand introduction of the entire website. I recommend explaining what the website is about in the first paragraph. Then, you can use the rest of the website’s Homepage to elaborate on the functions of the business.
Customer Requirements | Include this in your Outline
The Outline of your website should include customer requirements. These are specifics that customers look for when visiting your website. In addition, a cohesive website provides the shopper with testimonials from past buyers. Testimonials allow new customers to understand the experience while envisioning themselves buy from you. Another way to engage with a customer is by allowing them to leave reviews on your website. Customers can leave a review by clicking a link that takes them to Yelp, Facebook, or Google my Business page. Once the link takes them to their destination, they would have the opportunity to leave a review.
Customers like to see how connected a business is to its communities. A great way to show a connection is by listing local partnerships and sponsorship on a single page of the website. Use this opportunity to explain the ways you are connected and how much you enjoyed your participation. Affiliating yourself with local organizations, businesses, and the Chamber of commerce is a terrific way to affiliate your interaction with others. I recommend creating a single page to list your partnerships and affiliate to meet the customer requirements.
Search Engine Requirements | Include this in your Outline
Creating an outline for your website will guide you through the process, plus it will give you a better understanding of what is required. It’s no secret that search engines have a lot to do with exposure to your website. Unfortunately, some people often overlook the Search Engine Requirement and dive right into the process. Bypassing search engine requirements can have long-term effects on your business and the growth of your online presence. I recommend including the requirements set forth by the search engine on your website. Adding the requirements can be as simple as incorporating the NAP (name, address, phone, & email) into the website footer.
The search engine requirements can vary depending on the type of online presence you aim to attract. You can start by adding a separate page to list your business partners & affiliates. You will also need a webpage for a blog. The search engines also require certain information in the website footer and header. Search Engines are constantly searching for unique content, and this is your opportunity to showcase your attributes and skillsets. I recommend creating a blog page and adding a 2,000-word minimum blog each month. As your writing skills increase, you can make more blogs if necessary.
Legal Requirements | Included this in your Outline
Every website is required to abide by rules and regulations set forth by the country they live. It is also common practice to list specific legal requirements on your website. The most common of these requirements in the united states is the Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions. Adding your website’s legal requirements can limit your liability and protect your rights against most legal actions. I highly recommend adding the Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions to your website. Create a single webpage for each legal requirement and add it to the footer of your website.
Website Content | Include this in your Outline
Creating content for your website is the utmost important part of your business. I recommend planning out the process and adding it to the Outline. The easiest way to consistently create content that focuses on a strategy is by writing a business model. It can help create content on just about every page of your website. The business model consists of a profit formula while explaining how you will obtain your customers. Creating a three-part method business model will identify what you have to offer, monetization, and sustainability.
The experts at Montfichet & Company recommend writing 500 words minimum on most of your web pages. It’s essential to identify your niche, target market, and ideal customer. It will make it easier to understand the customers who will visit your website. The vision & mission statement should also be included on the About Us page. Finally, the homepage will be your grand introduction to your website. These are a few tips to help you understand what to have on each web page.
Professional Photos | Include this in your Outline
Professional photos help to provide an excellent first impression. When anyone visits your website, they decide who you are based on how professional the website looks. Professional images help to illustrate stories that keep website visitors engaged. The story should reflect the products and services your business sells. Many online resources provide free professional photos, but I highly recommend purchasing at least 15 stock photos from companies like Adobe stock photos. Choose the best quality photos that represent your business.
When a website has a professional look, it raises the perception of quality. Quality brings the visitor back to your website time after time, and it often helps a customer decide if they will buy from you. All professional photos should reflect the band. You should select specific images for your business and show customers that you purposely built an engaging website. Professional photos are also called stock photos. Once you have purchased these stock photos, you can use these images on social media, websites, and marketing material.
Professional Video | Include this in your Outline
One of the easiest ways to keep customers engaged is by providing videos on your website. The power of videos can keep customers on your website longer than expected. I recommend creating a 15 to 60-second video, posting it on YouTube, and installing it on your website. A video can allow the customer to process information with visuals while quickly explaining the topic. Videos are a great way to provide a call to action and create brand awareness. In addition, videos are fast and convenient, allowing customers to get what they need before purchasing.
Since Google owns YouTube, it’s a good idea to utilize the platform while building your online presence. Google will quickly identify and link your website to the YouTube account. Videos created for your website can be used for social media and marketing material. The videos used on your website should be professional and brand-related. I recommend hiring an expert to create videos for your website. Make sure whoever creates the videos understands your vision and innovative process.
Audio Recordings| Include this in your Outline
A great way to allow visitors who come to your website to experience your business is by adding audio recordings to as many pages as possible. Audio recordings can include podcasts and internet radio. There have been some instances where companies may choose to tape a voice recording on their own. If you decide to go that route, it’s imperative to make sure the recording is as professional as possible. Customers may choose to listen to an Audio recording because it’s always available, and it may have fewer advertisements.
Posting an audio recording on your website makes it easier for customers to experience your business. A recording may have minimal requirements for accessibility, and the improved sound quality makes it much more enjoyable. In addition, the audio recording can connect with the world wide web while providing various ways to communicate with customers. It’s simple, the more ways you can reach potential customers increases your possibilities of converting them into a buyer.
Hiring the Right Developer
Now it’s time to hire a developer that understands your innovative dream. Hiring the right developer is extremely important. Give the potential developer your outline, and if they are unable to provide you with what you are looking for, move on. Your business website is a reflection of your online presence. Invest in your business and hire someone who understands your outline and can deliver a design that reflects your vision.
Developers should understand how to build a website and create a compelling design that brings your innovative dream to life. I suggest working with a reseller who can assist you if your website has a problem. Your website needs to be maintained and serviced from time to time. I recommend hiring a developer who can provide website maintenance and updates quarterly. Finally, don’t leave your website vulnerable to viruses and hackers. Have your developer discuss different levels of protection that will keep your website safe.
How do you make a website? You start by creating an outline that lays out your innovative vision. Take the time to understand what to include in an outline. A website is one of many steps in building an online presence, allowing you to showcase what you do while driving your website traffic. An effective outline will be ready to apply SEO techniques. Afterward, you will be able to focus on bringing high-volume traffic consistently to your website.
To make a compelling strategic website, I recommend creating an outline that embodies the essential standards. The standards include knowing what pages are needed versus what pages you desire. You should follow Google’s guidelines to make the process of building an online presence much more effortless. The experts at Montfichet & Company – Atlanta can help you navigate through the entire process. We are located at 3343 Peachtree Road Ste. 180-581 Atlanta, GA 30326. You may also contact us by phone at 404-900-9814 or by email at For hands-on training reach out to our sister company The Trusted Automation.